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Carbon Neutrality



At a global scale, there is substantial scientific evidence supporting the pursuit of carbon neutrality. The IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report prescribes we reduce global carbon emissions by 87.5% by 2050 relative to 1990 levels, in order to keep temperature increase below 2°C. Global emissions of carbon dioxide equivalent[1] reached 45,261 megatonnes[2] (Mt) in 2013 and the nations and economies contributing the most in terms of absolute emissions were China, the US, the EU-28 and India.[3]


Canada’s emissions were 722 MtCO2e in 2015[4] (the most recent national inventory available); however, while Canada’s total emissions make up only 1.6% of global emissions, it is important to keep in mind our high population growth and significant per capita emissions, which at 15.9 tCO2e/person were the 4th highest in national intensity in 2014.[5] Quebec contributed 80 MtCO2e to national emissions, the third-highest province in terms of CO2e emissions after Alberta and Ontario. From 2005 to 2015, national emissions decreased by 2.2%, while Quebec’s decrease totalled to 10%.[6]


Figure 1: CO2 Emissions (metric tons per capita)[7]























Canada’s GHG emissions per capita are much higher than countries of similar socio-economic environments, meaning that there is room for individual improvement in our habits and mindsets surrounding energy, materials, waste and our built environment.


Canada ratified the Paris Agreement as of late 2016[8] and committed to a reduction target of 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. The Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change has outlined actions to meet and exceed this target. However, an analysis based on policies and measures in place immediately preceding the release of the Pan-Canadian Framework projected that Canadian CO2e emissions will be 742 MtCO2e in 2030, much higher than the target of 523 MtCO2e. More information on Canada’s plan for clean growth and climate change can be found at the following link.


Figure 2: Canada’s GHG Emissions Trajectory[9]

At a local scale, the City of Montreal ratified the Paris City Hall Declaration and has committed to CO2e emission reductions of 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. Based on CO2e emissions of just under 14 MtCO2e in 2003, this means a reduction of approximately 11 MtCO2e by 2050.[10] The Sustainable Montreal 2016 - 2020 plan outlines  priority actions that Montreal will need to undertake in order to meet the GHG reduction and lowered dependence on fossil fuel targets. While many actions focus on mobilizing municipal departments, boroughs, industry and partner organizations, the role of citizens is also included.


Individual action, in concert with governmental, corporate and institutional actions, are important to meet these ambitious targets. For example, a 2017 study[11] on the implications of personal behavioral choices on CO2e emissions equated living car-free to a 2.4 tCO2 decrease per person per year; in Canada, this could translate into a 15% decrease in per capita emissions.


Situational Analysis


An institution achieves carbon neutrality when the amount of greenhouse gases released is equivalent to the amount sequestered or offset. McGill’s 2015 GHG Inventory Report calculates the emissions per campus user to be around 1.8 tCO2e/person.


McGill’s plan for carbon neutrality includes strategies for campus energy systems, the University fleet, financed air travel, and commuting, among other emissions sources. The University-wide target of achieving carbon neutrality by 2040, announced in December 2017, aligns McGill with global decarbonization pathways and acknowledges our contribution to climate change. To meet this goal, McGill will work to eliminate its greenhouse gas emissions – currently 54,062 tCO2e per year as of 2015[12] – through significant carbon reduction and, to a lesser extent, carbon sequestration and carbon offsets. Reducing our full footprint would be the equivalent of taking 11,576 cars off the road.[13]


Below are key data concerning McGill’s historic and current GHG emissions. McGill’s GHG inventories are available online at the following link, and McGill’s newly released Vision 2020: Climate and Sustainability Action Plan can be found here .

McGill's Challenges and Potential Avenues


Carbon neutrality is a process that is intended to achieve net zero greenhouse gases by two means: 1) eliminating emissions wherever feasible, and 2) implementing a combination of carbon sequestration and offsetting initiatives for the equivalent amount released.


Following extensive analysis of McGill’s emissions sources and progress to date, the most feasible and impactful ways to reduce emissions, and therefore the two main challenges for McGill, are reducing building emissions and facilitating changes in personal behaviour.


McGill’s Utilities & Energy Management team is currently working to reduce energy use intensity in buildings and the 2016 - 2020 Energy Management Plan focuses on the transition of campus buildings from static energy consumers to dynamic smart grids. Potential for student involvement lies in projects and research related to introducing on-campus renewable energy at the Mac, Gault and Bellairs campuses.


Individual actions are of critical importance not only because of the potential impact on emissions reductions, but due to the mindset shift towards a culture of sustainability that they promote. The main areas of potential for heightened individual awareness and action surround McGill’s waste systems and mobility, specifically commuting, inter-campus travel and air travel. For example, 1.6 tCO2e is saved[14] per transatlantic flight, almost as much as McGill’s average annual GHG emissions per campus user. Increasing awareness of McGill’s and our individual contributions, and creating projects that promote and facilitate a lower carbon lifestyle, could have substantial impacts on McGill’s CO2e emissions and overall progress towards a sustainable campus.





[1] A standardized measure of all contributing GHGs such as CO2, CH4 and N2O ;

[2] 1 megatonne is equivalent to 1 million tonnes  











[13] Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator, EPA:





Increasing Urban Agriculture 



As over half of the world's population lives in cities, how we manage our urban spaces truly matters to global sustainability. According to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (2006), up to half of Canada’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (350 million tonnes) are influenced by municipal governments. The greening of cities can also significantly curb environmental degradation and improve food security.


Urban agriculture, urban farming and urban gardening is the practice of cultivating, processing and distributing food in a city. According to the FAO, “agriculture – including horticulture, livestock, fisheries, forestry, and fodder and milk production – is increasingly spreading to towns and cities. Urban agriculture provides fresh food, generates employment, recycles urban wastes, creates greenbelts, and strengthens cities’ resilience to climate change.” It is practiced by 800 million people worldwide, and particularly helps low-income urban residents save money on food purchases.


Urban agriculture has many social, economic and environmental advantages. Locally produced food requires less transportation, packaging and refrigeration, presenting a source of fresh produce at competitive prices for communities and with a much lower carbon footprint compared to their rural and “Big-Ag” counterparts. Garden plots can be up to 15 times as productive as rural holdings, and an area of one square meter can provide 20 kg of food per year. Urban agriculture eliminates middlemen and allows for more income to go to producers themselves, as well as provide employment for women and other disadvantaged groups.


Cities throughout Canada are focusing on supporting urban agriculture; municipalities are increasing financial support to community-based agriculture projects such as community orchards and gardens, home gardens, promotion of composting of organic waste and rainwater harvesting.


Particularly, Montreal has become a leader in Canada for urban agriculture initiatives, with an estimated 42% of its residents actively involved.[1] Diverse players are transforming the urban agricultural scene, developing projects that range from community gardens to pilot projects rooted in different neighborhoods and city consultations.[2] Examples of urban agriculture initiatives include the projects supported by Santropol Roulant and Lufa Farms.



Situational Analysis



McGill’s involvement and interest for urban agriculture is apparent in the many garden-related SPF projects already completed and in process. For instance, the collaboration between McGill’s School of Architecture, Santropol Roulant and Alternatives resulted  the “Edible Campus” project.


















The “Edible Campus” has operated on McGill’s campus since 2007, to bring to bring greenery and urban agriculture to the Burnside Terrace. The garden consists of a 1,000 ft² container garden in addition to some permanent plant beds which produce hundreds of kilograms of vegetables per year for the community. Furthermore, the annual installation has become a source of pride for the community as a tangible reflection of the community’s sustainable values. Historically, Santropol has provided a site coordinator to set-up and oversee the operations and coordinate the numerous volunteers required to operate the garden. In 2018, Santropol Roulant will no longer be involved in the Edible Campus project as they no longer require this operation. Without their involvement, the installation is at risk of ceasing operations.


In addition to the Edible Campus, there are a growing number of urban agriculture installations across campus, listed below. The Sustainability Projects Fund (SPF) receives regular requests and applications for more gardens across both campuses.

  • Campus Crops – under the supervision on the School of Environment, this group has operated a garden for many years

  • SSMU Courtyard Garden – installed in 2017 as a result of SPF funding, this garden us under the direction of the SSMU

  • Thompson House Community Garden – operating for a number of years and reimagined in 2017 as a result of SPF funding, under the direction of the PGSS

  • Education Garden – a community-led garden operated by the Faculty of Education

  • The Orchard – a functioning orchard garden in the NW sector of campus. Under the direction of the Grounds Department.



McGill’s Challenges and Potential Avenues


The Edible Campus is loved by many on campus, and is a tangible sign of commitment to sustainability and community; it is always featured in the Principals “Points of Pride.” However, it is unclear who will take over Edible Campus after Santropol leaves and what will become of the space.


Moreover, there is increasing demand for urban agriculture installations across campus, and this will likely continue. The quality and functionality of these gardens varies widely from year to year depending on the participants involved. McGill’s Grounds Department has challenges ensuring that all parties use their space appropriately, and is often tasked with cleaning up after or supporting these projects. More coordination is needed between currently operating units.


Finally, there is a strong need to develop guidelines and standards for operating community gardens across campus to ensure consistency and site care. This may become more important if the University expands further.




[1] Bureau d’Intervieweurs Professionnels, 2013

[2] Bhatt, Vikram. 2016. Cultivating Montreal: A Brief History of Citizens and Institutions […]

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