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1 Afternoon. 2 Challenges. Endless possibilities. 
Are you passionate about improving McGill's sustainability performance and eager to take action? Have you wanted to start your own SPF project, but have lacked the context, team members and resources to do so?
Join McGill faculty, field experts, Office of Sustainability staff and other dedicated students for an afternoon of targeted project development to solve pressing McGill sustainability challenges, engage with professionals and pitch your idea to a panel of judges with years of experience in the McGill sustainability scene!
Register by January 31, 2018 
The Challenges
Carbon Neutrality

Reaching carbon neutrality by 2040 is one of the main goals set by McGill's sustainability strategy. This institutional target opens up the opportunity for student and staff to take action and tackle some of the biggest barriers though SPF funding. The Office of Sustainability challenges YOU to find ways to:


1. Reduce building emissions;


2. Drive individual behavioural change, particularly with respect to McGill's waste systems and mobility;

Urban Agriculture

Cities are at the forefront of tackling sustainability challenges, and designing sustainable cities is critical to addressing climate change impacts. Urban agriculture presents an increasingly common practice with potentially powerful environmental, economic and social benefits. There are numerous urban agriculture installations on McGill's campuses, but as demand is rising, McGill departments are facing challenges around:


1. Managing the Edible Campus project;


2. The expansion and coordination of urban agriculture installations on campus; and


3. The development of urban agriculture standards.

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